Reject Heat. Save Money.

3M™ window film can reject up to 79% of the sun’s heat, which can help you save up to 30% on your A/C bill. Additionally, window film can drastically reduce uncomfortable hotspots throughout your home that are caused by the sun.

Block UV Rays. Decrease Furnishing Fading.

3M™ Window Films are designed to reduce fading from the sun, allowing you to preserve your investment in home furnishings, paintings, rugs, pictures, wallpaper, fabric or wood floorings. 3M™ Window Film blocks up to 99% of UV rays, the single largest cause of fading.

Reduce Glare. Improve Comfort.

3M™ Window Film can significantly cut down on the amount glare caused by the sun. This will allow you to watch your favorite TV show or surf the internet without having to squint your eyes or move around the room in response to glare caused by the sun.

Block 99.9% UV Rays

3M™ Sun Control Window Film lets in the light, not the heat. Comfort and clarity without changing the appearance of your home.

You'll notice a big difference in your home with Sun Control Window Films. Your windows are the gateway for natural light to enter your home, creating a welcome and comfortable environment for everyone. However, those same windows are the cause of increased heat, larger energy bills, fading furniture, and harmful UV rays.

3M™ Sun Control Window Films allow into your home the natural light you love, while keeping your home protected from excessive heat and UV damage. While your windows receive the benefits of sun protection, the appearance of your home is left unchanged. Control the sun in your home to create comfort in every room.

Types of Sun Control Films

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